
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Comment Moderation

Good Morning Stampers,

This is Kim. I apologize to all stampers who visit this blog for fun and inspiration but here goes. I got up to find an unkind comment left by a person criticizing this blog and my creativity. Wouldn't you know it, I can't respond to her because there's no link to her blog or e-mail so I am responding right here. I do not participate in many challenges all over the internet so when I named this blog Tuesday Throwdown it was because it was a continuation of what I did on my stamping blog over a year ago and TT just because it sounds good. This blogger thinks I am not creative enough to come up with a better name. With all the stuff going on with me, this is just not what I need right now. It is sad that there are those who go around criticizing bloggers. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to turn on comment moderation since this blog is all about fun, but due to this person, comment moderation is on so that you can come visit and not have to deal with this.

Hugs ~ Kim


  1. Ow so sorry to hear this... but DON'T ever worry about these things, let them say what they like... it's important that we love it ... I also had to turn comment moderation on 'cos I get spam from someone trying to tell stuff! Hugs xx

  2. I'm sorry you're going through this. Cyber bullying is no fun. Notice how it's always the cowards who don't leave a way for you to respond to them? Grrrrr.

  3. This is very sad and the second time in a matter of days that I've heard of this happening. What gives with this? Why would someone take the time to be so negative. I don't get it. I love your challenges.. please keep up the good work.. and keep your chin up! Peggy x

  4. That is really an unfortunate happening, and as was mentioned, it's the cowards who leave negative comments without any means of identification. I don't think there is anything wrong with the name of your blog or the challenges you present. Keep going and know that it's your followers and participants that matter, not some random, nameless, faceless individual!

  5. Some people are really awful... As I have read in a book, a few weeks ago (from Alexander Mc Call Smith) "Little words from an unhappy woman, no need to think twice about it...". Smiles from Catherine

  6. They should get a life! I was advised to have comment moderation on by a friend who had abusive comments,WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE!!!!!

  7. I cannot understand why some people can be so horrible I think they are just jealous and perfect idiots. I have only recently found this challenge blog and I love it the name the DT work just everything you keep up the brilliant work Kim.
    Lorraine x

  8. I'm so sorry that someone so cruel and shallow had to ruin yoru day hon. It's just so sad that people like this exist! Do they not have ANYTHING else better to do?
    Do not worry about her(or him) what or what they said. It's simply not true. I know how that sort of thing can put a damper on your day but I want you to know that the name of your site is perfect. It's perfect because YOU chose to name it that!!

    I love the blog and will continue to visit so long as it's her for me to visit : )


  9. Some people just enjoy being negative and nasty and unfortunately they are everywhere (even at my son's kindy). I think it's just tall poppy syndrome and they can't stand anyone else standing out and doing something outstanding.
    Head up, stand proud and get on with what you do best!

  10. My mum always told me to "Ignore the Ignorant"! Keep your chin-up and just keep doing what you love.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Melinda :)

  11. Kim, I totally understand! That is a horrible and unkind thing to do.

  12. I'm new to your blog Kim but I just felt awful when I read about your unkind blogger. Sincere people who visit your blog will see what an ignorant fool that person is. BTW I love your name, and your DT has offered some awesome inspiration. Take care, ~Diane

  13. New here too Kim and feel bad about this situation. You know what my Mom use to say? If someone is talking and trying to discourage you, then they are leaving someone else alone. Lol! I know it may not be the best thing to say and not undermining your upset but I think that there might be some truth to what she said. I love your blog and thought the name was sweet and to the point. We crafters can get so caught up in all of the embellies and even the extravagance of blog names, but it is really all about the wonderful creations and inspirations. And this blog really inspires me. Keep you chin up and remember God is control and the enemy uses negative folks to tear us down, but God has already gone before us and won the Victory! Your special sweetie and doing a great job! I will be back for sure!

  14. Hi Kim, I'm new to your challenge blog and I love it! I think TT is pretty cool, I'm in charge of a "midweek throwdown" over at the Operation Write Home Stars & Stamps blog. Maybe they don't understand that a "throwdown" is a challenge. So please keep throwin' it down because we accept the challenge ;)

  15. Please don't let someone like this get you down - if someone critizises you anonymously like that, they are just jealous because they aren't creative at all. It is sad that there are people like that out there but don't let them win - their petty triumph would be getting someone else down. - Keep up your good work!

  16. Hi Kim, another newbie, and I agree with the others. This is someone who isn't happy with their own life and wants everyone to be as miserable as they are. I love the idea of a challenge and TT works really well for me and my memory. Keep 'em coming.

  17. That is soooo not cool!! Man...the nerve of some people..sad.

  18. Kim,

    It is really a shame that others have to be so cruel. I was taught that if you can't say anything nice about something, don't say anything. I don't think there's anything wrong with the name. The person who said such things sounds like a very sad, ugly person on the inside.

    Thanks for your hard work,

    Debra (dj1952)

    P.S. I misunderstood the "name" on the link, and I used "quack, quack", instead of my name. Duh!

  19. I am so sorry that you have had to deal with a bully because that is what this person is a BULLY. We the people that follow you and enter your challenges believe in you!! All I can say is lift up your head, straighten your shoulders and carry on as usual, with the knowledge that there are more people out there that are good and enjoy your blog and challenges, we are with you. Cheer up babe!!!!
    Love Susan


Thank you so much for your comments and for participating in Tuesday Throwdown. We love to hear from you!