
Monday, May 19, 2014

DT Call for Tuesday Throwdown

May 19, 2014   DT CALL IS NOW CLOSED.  
   We had an unexpectedly high number of applicants this time and the Selection Committee has made it's choice of 4 new members.  Notices to those selected will be going out today.  If you weren't selected this time, please apply again at our next DT Call.  There were just so many excellent choices they could have made, that it was kind of like the Olympics -- decisions were based on "hundredths of seconds."  :-D  


You read that correctly -- we're having a DT Call here at Tuesday Throwdown!  We have 4 spots to fill by the beginning of June.  If you think you might be interested in committing to one of the most supportive, friendliest, best-ever teams anywhere in Blogland, here's how to apply:

1.  Send an e-mail to with "DT Call" in the subject line.

2.  Give us a link to your blog so we can review your wondrous creations.

3.  Tell us briefly why you'd like to serve on the DT.  

4.  Tell us about any DT work you are doing or have done previously.  No experience is necessary but if you have it, tell us about it.

Requirements --

Although we are a weekly challenge, you will only be responsible for making a card or other paper craft project once every two weeks.  We have two teams who alternate challenges.

You will have to use Sponsors' images and products, mostly digital stamps, and follow the challenge theme.  This will usually require hand coloring of the images.

You must have a blog on which to post your work on the day the challenge starts.

You will be responsible for commenting on a specific comment rotation during your challenge week.

You must be able to take quality photographs of your project and to post them to the DT communication group, as well as your own blog.

You must be able to consistently meet deadlines.

If you're interested, please apply by Monday, May 26.  Selections will be made and candidates will be notified by May 31, with the first projects due for challenges starting either June 10 or June 17.

We hope to hear from you!  :-D

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